.. fm-metadata-service documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Mar 31 10:05:53 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to fm-metadata-service's documentation! =============================================== *Doc version 2.0.0* Date: 18 May 2016 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Overview ================== This repository contains a metadata-providing service for Fedora Modularization. The service is used by the **modulemd** here: https://pagure.io/modulemd Requirements ------------------ * python 2.7 - https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/ * mongodb - https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-red-hat/ * httpd - https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/programs/httpd.html * bs4 - https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#installing-beautiful-soup To install the required packages >>> sudo dnf install python2 httpd python-beautifulsoup4 Then follow the mongodb instructions in the link above. Installation ---------------- To install this package, make sure you have installed the required packages first. From there, you have two options: 1. Use the Vagrant file here: https://pagure.io/fm-overview.git 2. Install via git: >>> cd /var/www/html && mkdir fm >>> git clone https://pagure.io/fm-metadata-service.git /var/www/html/fm Files & Folders in this Repository: ------------------------ * Scripts: * **databaseUtilities.py** - Database utilities for importing & retrieving module metadata * **demo.py** - A demo script for running the metadata service * **fm.py** - Web server script for obtaining metadata * Other files: * **Makefile** - For building Python Nose tests & the rpm builder * Folders: * **package** - Contains an rpm builder for developing your own test rpm packages * **test** - Python Nose unit tests Capabilities ================== **fm-metadata-service** allows users to search for modules by: * Name * License * Version * URL * References (community, documentation, tracker) * Relese * Koschei Monitor * Monitor * Review URL * Upstream URL * Dependencies information * xmd * Status (Approved/Rejected) * ACLS * modulemd data databaseUtilities Examples ========================== The following examples illustrate how to properly use **databaseUtilities.py**. These examples include querying the mongodb database and clearing all data from the database. Most examples are taken from **demo.py**, so if you would like to run these examples and see their outputs, you can simply run **demo.py**. 1. Querying data from the Modularity Database -------------------------------------------- Below are examples of how to query by name, license, version, URL, etc.. Each query returns a list of dictionary objects. If no results are found, the output dictionary is empty. **Note**: Queries are formed from dictionary objects and they follow the mongodb query format. Simple Query: Query by name .. code-block:: python myDb = ModularityDb() q = {'name':'testmodule'} print "result:\n", myDb.query(q) Output: >>> result: >>> [{u'_id': ObjectId('573df289ed35590b340cfb61'), u'acls': [], u'creation_date': 1460472886.0, u'description': u'This is a test module for the modularity working group stuff.', u'koschei_monitor': True, u'modulemd': {u'data': {u'components': {u'rpms': {u'dependencies': True, u'fulltree': True, u'packages': {u'bar': {u'cache': u'https://example.com/cache', u'commit': u'26ca0c0', u'repository': u'https://pagure.io/bar.git'}, u'baz': None, u'xxx': {u'arches': [u'i686', u'x86_64'], u'multilib': [u'x86_64']}, u'xyz': None}}}, u'dependencies': {u'buildrequires': {u'c-build': 6.0, u'core': 23}, u'requires': {u'core': 23}}, u'description': u'A module for the demonstration of the metadata format. Also, the obligatory lorem ipsum dolor sit amet goes right here.\n', u'license': {u'content': [], u'module': [u'MIT']}, u'name': u'testmodule', u'references': {u'community': u'http://www.example.com/', u'documentation': u'http://www.example.com/', u'tracker': u'http://www.example.com/'}, u'release': 1, u'summary': u'A test module', u'version': 1.0, u'xmd': None}, u'document': u'modulemd', u'version': 0}, u'monitor': False, u'name': u'testmodule', u'namespace': u'modules', u'review_url': u'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/12345', u'status': u'Approved', u'summary': u'A test module for modularity in stg', u'upstream_url': u''}] More complex query: Query by references .. code-block:: python myDb = ModularityDb() q = {'modulemd.data.references' : {'documentation' : 'http://www.example.com/', 'community' : 'http://www.example.com/', 'tracker' : 'http://www.example.com/'}} print "result:\n", myDb.query(q) Output: >>> result: >>> [{u'_id': ObjectId('573df289ed35590b340cfb61'), u'acls': [], u'creation_date': 1460472886.0, u'description': u'This is a test module for the modularity working group stuff.', u'koschei_monitor': True, u'modulemd': {u'data': {u'components': {u'rpms': {u'dependencies': True, u'fulltree': True, u'packages': {u'bar': {u'cache': u'https://example.com/cache', u'commit': u'26ca0c0', u'repository': u'https://pagure.io/bar.git'}, u'baz': None, u'xxx': {u'arches': [u'i686', u'x86_64'], u'multilib': [u'x86_64']}, u'xyz': None}}}, u'dependencies': {u'buildrequires': {u'c-build': 6.0, u'core': 23}, u'requires': {u'core': 23}}, u'description': u'A module for the demonstration of the metadata format. Also, the obligatory lorem ipsum dolor sit amet goes right here.\n', u'license': {u'content': [], u'module': [u'MIT']}, u'name': u'testmodule', u'references': {u'community': u'http://www.example.com/', u'documentation': u'http://www.example.com/', u'tracker': u'http://www.example.com/'}, u'release': 1, u'summary': u'A test module', u'version': 1.0, u'xmd': None}, u'document': u'modulemd', u'version': 0}, u'monitor': False, u'name': u'testmodule', u'namespace': u'modules', u'review_url': u'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/12345', u'status': u'Approved', u'summary': u'A test module for modularity in stg', u'upstream_url': u''}] 2. Clearing the Modularity Database -------------------------------------------- Use the ``cleanup()`` function to clear the database: .. code-block:: python myDb = ModularityDb() myDb.cleanup() Metadata Server Examples ========================== Assuming you have installed this package properly, you should be able to use the metadata server automatically. In this example, we have a server set up at Return Entire Database ---------------------- To list all the contents of the database, we enter the following URL: This returns all the contents as a JSON string Search Database by Name ---------------------- To search the database for a module by name:****, where **** is the name of a module. For example, to search for `yakuake` (which doesn't exist), To search for `testmodule2`,