Welcome to fm-metadata-service’s documentation!

Doc version 2.0.0

Date: 18 May 2016


This repository contains a metadata-providing service for Fedora Modularization. The service is used by the modulemd here: https://pagure.io/modulemd


To install the required packages

>>> sudo dnf install python2 httpd python-beautifulsoup4

Then follow the mongodb instructions in the link above.


To install this package, make sure you have installed the required packages first. From there, you have two options:

  1. Use the Vagrant file here: https://pagure.io/fm-overview.git
  2. Install via git:
>>> cd /var/www/html && mkdir fm
>>> git clone https://pagure.io/fm-metadata-service.git /var/www/html/fm

Files & Folders in this Repository:

  • Scripts:
    • databaseUtilities.py - Database utilities for importing & retrieving module metadata
    • demo.py - A demo script for running the metadata service
    • fm.py - Web server script for obtaining metadata
  • Other files:
    • Makefile - For building Python Nose tests & the rpm builder
  • Folders:
    • package - Contains an rpm builder for developing your own test rpm packages
    • test - Python Nose unit tests


fm-metadata-service allows users to search for modules by:

  • Name
  • License
  • Version
  • URL
  • References (community, documentation, tracker)
  • Relese
  • Koschei Monitor
  • Monitor
  • Review URL
  • Upstream URL
  • Dependencies information
  • xmd
  • Status (Approved/Rejected)
  • ACLS
  • modulemd data

databaseUtilities Examples

The following examples illustrate how to properly use databaseUtilities.py. These examples include querying the mongodb database and clearing all data from the database.

Most examples are taken from demo.py, so if you would like to run these examples and see their outputs, you can simply run demo.py.

1. Querying data from the Modularity Database

Below are examples of how to query by name, license, version, URL, etc.. Each query returns a list of dictionary objects. If no results are found, the output dictionary is empty.

Note: Queries are formed from dictionary objects and they follow the mongodb query format.

Simple Query: Query by name

myDb = ModularityDb()
q = {'name':'testmodule'}

print "result:\n", myDb.query(q)


>>> result:
>>> [{u'_id': ObjectId('573df289ed35590b340cfb61'),
     u'acls': [],
     u'creation_date': 1460472886.0,
     u'description': u'This is a test module for the modularity working group stuff.',
     u'koschei_monitor': True,
     u'modulemd': {u'data': {u'components': {u'rpms': {u'dependencies': True,
         u'fulltree': True,
         u'packages': {u'bar': {u'cache': u'https://example.com/cache',
           u'commit': u'26ca0c0',
           u'repository': u'https://pagure.io/bar.git'},
          u'baz': None,
          u'xxx': {u'arches': [u'i686', u'x86_64'], u'multilib': [u'x86_64']},
          u'xyz': None}}},
       u'dependencies': {u'buildrequires': {u'c-build': 6.0, u'core': 23},
        u'requires': {u'core': 23}},
       u'description': u'A module for the demonstration of the metadata format. Also, the obligatory lorem ipsum dolor sit amet goes right here.\n',
       u'license': {u'content': [], u'module': [u'MIT']},
       u'name': u'testmodule',
       u'references': {u'community': u'http://www.example.com/',
        u'documentation': u'http://www.example.com/',
        u'tracker': u'http://www.example.com/'},
       u'release': 1,
       u'summary': u'A test module',
       u'version': 1.0,
       u'xmd': None},
      u'document': u'modulemd',
      u'version': 0},
     u'monitor': False,
     u'name': u'testmodule',
     u'namespace': u'modules',
     u'review_url': u'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/12345',
     u'status': u'Approved',
     u'summary': u'A test module for modularity in stg',
     u'upstream_url': u''}]

More complex query: Query by references

myDb = ModularityDb()
q = {'modulemd.data.references' : {'documentation' : 'http://www.example.com/', 'community' : 'http://www.example.com/', 'tracker' : 'http://www.example.com/'}}

print "result:\n", myDb.query(q)


>>> result:
>>> [{u'_id': ObjectId('573df289ed35590b340cfb61'),
  u'acls': [],
  u'creation_date': 1460472886.0,
  u'description': u'This is a test module for the modularity working group stuff.',
  u'koschei_monitor': True,
  u'modulemd': {u'data': {u'components': {u'rpms': {u'dependencies': True,
      u'fulltree': True,
      u'packages': {u'bar': {u'cache': u'https://example.com/cache',
        u'commit': u'26ca0c0',
        u'repository': u'https://pagure.io/bar.git'},
       u'baz': None,
       u'xxx': {u'arches': [u'i686', u'x86_64'], u'multilib': [u'x86_64']},
       u'xyz': None}}},
    u'dependencies': {u'buildrequires': {u'c-build': 6.0, u'core': 23},
     u'requires': {u'core': 23}},
    u'description': u'A module for the demonstration of the metadata format. Also, the obligatory lorem ipsum dolor sit amet goes right here.\n',
    u'license': {u'content': [], u'module': [u'MIT']},
    u'name': u'testmodule',
    u'references': {u'community': u'http://www.example.com/',
     u'documentation': u'http://www.example.com/',
     u'tracker': u'http://www.example.com/'},
    u'release': 1,
    u'summary': u'A test module',
    u'version': 1.0,
    u'xmd': None},
   u'document': u'modulemd',
   u'version': 0},
  u'monitor': False,
  u'name': u'testmodule',
  u'namespace': u'modules',
  u'review_url': u'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/12345',
  u'status': u'Approved',
  u'summary': u'A test module for modularity in stg',
  u'upstream_url': u''}]

2. Clearing the Modularity Database

Use the cleanup() function to clear the database:

myDb = ModularityDb()

Metadata Server Examples

Assuming you have installed this package properly, you should be able to use the metadata server automatically.

In this example, we have a server set up at

Return Entire Database

To list all the contents of the database, we enter the following URL:

This returns all the contents as a JSON string

Search Database by Name

To search the database for a module by name:<name>, where <name> is the name of a module.

For example, to search for yakuake (which doesn’t exist),

To search for testmodule2,